Styles of attachment and infidelity. A review of the literature


  • Abril Martínez Rentería Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus Celaya-Salvatierra
  • Perla Shiomara del Carpio Ovando Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus Celaya-Salvatierra
  • Yazmín Alejandra Quintero Hernández Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus Celaya-Salvatierra



attachment, infidelity, couple, discomfort, theories


The objective of the article is to analyze the possible relationship between attachment styles, infidelity and the inability to separate from the partner after an experience of infidelity, despite the discomfort generated by that experience. For this purpose, a monograph was made by reviewing the literature, with special interest in socio-cognitive and systemic theories of learning. Theories indicate that the type of relationship between a child and his caregiver is a possible determinant for the kind of romantic relationship you will establish in your adult life. This theoretical reflection aims to contribute to clinical practice, generating knowledge that can strengthen the decision-making capacity, self-esteem, self-image and empowerment of the person who goes to therapy for not being satisfied with their relationship.


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How to Cite

Martínez Rentería, A., del Carpio Ovando, P. S., & Quintero Hernández, Y. A. (2022). Styles of attachment and infidelity. A review of the literature. El Psicólogo Anáhuac, 22, 7–16.