Evidence of validity of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) with a sample of Mexican high school students


  • Olimpia Gómez Pérez Universidad Anáhuac Puebla
  • Julieta Vélez Belmonte Universidad Anáhuac Puebla




achievement emotions, self-report, measurement, adolescents


The present study aimed to explore the pertinence of using the English scale called Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, which measures achievement emotions, with Mexican high school students, to assess the emotions they experience when doing math activities. As a first step, a Spanish translation of the scale was located. Subsequently, the Spanish translation was adapted to the language of Mexican high school students and applied to a sample of 354 adolescents aged between 13 and 16 years. Items of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (CEL-Mex, for its initials in Spanish) were grouped into three dimensions: negative activating emotion, negative deactivating emotion and positive emotion. The reliability of the full scale was .89, while Chronbach's alpha indexes of the subscales were .88 and .80. The adjustment indices of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (GFI, CFI and RMSEA) were adequate. The data above indicates that CEL-Mex can be used with confidence to assess the positive and negative emotions of Mexican high school students.


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How to Cite

Gómez Pérez, O., & Vélez Belmonte, J. (2022). Evidence of validity of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) with a sample of Mexican high school students. El Psicólogo Anáhuac, 22, 33–50. https://doi.org/10.36105/psic_anah.2022v22.03