In this work we delve into the concept of paideia. The paideia understood as the formation of man, that is, as an education, offered the means, in and by which, hermeneutics developed widely in the Fathers of the Church. It was one of the frame of reference for the development of Christian thought and teaching, following the models of classical hermeneutics whose priority instrument was analogy. The parents managed to reinterpret the reality of human been in Christian terms, gave a different meaning to the world's worldview and reality from the event Jesus Christ, took the essential elements of paideia and classical hermeneutics. Knowledge and self-care, essential elements of the paideia, made it possible to maintain continuity between the classical world and the novelty of Christian interpretation. Thus, whether continuity or novelty, were given, based on a reinterpretation in terms of a hermeneutics that balanced the various interpretations from the points of convergence, overcoming a closed univocity and limiting an open mistakenness to give us an iconic image of epimeleia heautou.
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