hermeneutics, analogy, dream, truthAbstract
The aim of this essay is to expose the methodology for the deciphering of truth, in the oneiric hermeneutics proposed by Sigmund Freud and in the analogical hermeneutics of Mauricio Beuchot and expose the point at which the analogical and psychoanalytic hermeneutics intersect. In order to carry out this succinct speculative relationship, basically two texts by each author will be used; by Freud The Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1899 and An Outline of Psycho-Analysis, written in 1938 and published for the first time in the german language in 1940; by Beuchot, Tratado de hermenéutica analógica. Hacia un nuevo modelo de interpretación, book published in 1997 and Hermenéutica de la encrucijada. Analogía, retórica y filosofía, published in 2008.
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