Poetry, language, social networks, political powerAbstract
Since the appearance of social networks, the literature has penetrated borders and languages, since the internet has a quasi-global reach, publishing and sharing texts or complete books in the different channels like Facebook or Twitter, in general, the literature and in particular, the poetry, have had a great impact in society. Of such luck, that the information comes almost immediately and can be share by people from different cultures, hence the richness of internet. Bearing in mind that are countries where the writers and poets have been persecuted for evidencing the political regime, for example: Roberto Saviano, Bertolt Brecht, Max Jacob, Ezra Found o Boris Pasternak among, the poetry take a place as an information media that has the power to rise society consciousness.
Hence, in social medias it is possible to denounce injustice, racism, discrimination, also, communities can be created or ngo that supports humanitarian causes.
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