
  • Alfonso López Quintás Universidad Francisco de Vitoria


Ethics, emotional intelligence, meaning of life, creativity, leadership


The company must achieve all the excellence required by their mission. This is not limited to achieving benefits; involves achieving high quality products and services. The company achieved this dual goal more easily if it intends to achieve third: to help its partners to develop as individuals. The author describes the process of personal development and emphasizes that it has two decisive moments: the encounter and discovery of the ideal of unity. For this analysis, it is clear that the company must allow their employees
to participate actively including all its implications in order to develop successfully. If the worker is aware of the importance of 
the whole enterprise function he performs,  his work becomes creative play and collects real sense. Seeing his meaningful activity,
is satisfied and highly motivated. This motivation has to espouse the fate of the company, the best way to settle the opposing
attitudes and cheerfully take the effort to adapt to changes may require work to be performed. The example of certain international 
companies who have followed this anthropological orientation-such as the Mexican Bimbo, makes it clear why the ideal of unity and service has been the key to its successful expansion.


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