
  • Guillermo Macías Graue Universidad Anáhuac México


Assisi is worth a visit, as the review of Assisi’s beloved son: Saint Francis. He happens to be one of the finest figures to enlighten the Western culture in its way towards transcendence, beyond the limits of his own life. His is a story of conversion; his steps guide us from here and now to  contemplation, from earthly to heavenly realities. Actually, he abandoned richness and gave himself to his Lord. In that way, we are also attracted to follow his self-giving example. Self-giving and imitation that end in the highest mystical experience: the stigmata. Francis loves God in His creatures, through His creatures. Contemplation of nature allows us, therefore, to God’s knowledge. Every beat of our heart might be filled by God through prayer. “Canticle of the Sun” turns to be a deep hymn of praise to the Lord. It steps from a clear statement of God’s highest divinity to recognition of creature’s beauty and kindness, starting by Brother Sun, who illuminates us. The text follows from planets to nature’s elements (air, water, fire and earth). And from here on,
a jump toward love and forgiveness. At the end there’s a meditation on death, threshold of hope for every Christian. Saint Francis
wished to die happily, because happiness is the fruit of holiness. This text is his spiritual will, ideal for meditation during this pontificate, the time of pope Francis.


Alighieri, Dante. La Divina Commedia. Milán: European Book, 1993.

Catecismo de la Iglesia católica. Traducido por José Manuel Estepa Llaurens et al. 3ª ed. Bilbao: Asociación de Editores del Catecismo, 1993.

Frossard, André. La sal de la tierra. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Carlos Lohlé, 1958.

Ghilardi, Agostino. San Francisco de Asís. Traducido por Editora Cultural y Educativa, S.A. de C.V. México: Mondadori-Novaro, 1966.

Giandomenico, Nicola. Arte e storia di Assisi. Florencia: Casa Editrice Bonechi, 1989.

Javierre, José María. Juan de la Cruz: un caso límite. 5ª ed. Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme, 1994.

Juan Pablo II. Homilía de Su Santidad Juan Pablo II en el Yankee Stadium el 2 de octubre de 1979. Librería Edritice Vaticana, 1979. Consultado el 12 de febrero de 2015. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/homilies/1979/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_19791002_usa-new-york_sp.html

______. Alocución del Santo Padre Juan Pablo II a los leprosos en Adzopé, 12 de mayo de 1980.

Librería Edritice Vaticana, 1980. Consultado el 12 de febrero de 2015. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/speeches/1980/may/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19800512_lebbrosario-adzope_sp.html.

Larrañaga, Ignacio. El hermano de Asís. 4ª ed. Jalisco: San Pablo, 1995.




