truth, knowledge, science, humanism, assentAbstract
With this article we look for to find the essence of university in Card. Newman’s thinking. Therefore the guide question in this brief investigation: What is University for John Henry Newman? Cardinal John Henry was member of called Oxford movement, whose aim was that Church of England may investigate their foundations and roots. With Honesty and open mind Newman focuses the essence of University in this work. In this essay, that was fruit of his conferences upon the idea of university, based on his experiences, he reaches this purpose. With perspicacity (insight), wisdom and vision of future presents us a complete and open university based on universality of knowledge and its generation of prosperity according to the true. Today perhaps the Newman’s
tought is normal and common but for his contemporaries it was very different and novel or strange. He mixed with unusual harmony faith and reason and contributing with this contrast to put in relation to many new ideas which will be items of reflexion
in the Vatican Council II. We could add that Pope John Paul the second considered important points of view to insert in his encyclical titled in latin Reason and faith in 1998 and specifically in apostolic constitution letter upon catholic universities titled also in latin
Ex corde Ecclesiae.
Aras, Roberto. Ortega, la Universidad y la integración del saber. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Citado el 24 de febrero de 2015. Consultado en: http://www.uca.edu.ar/uca/common/grupo32/files/marzo_2010.pdf.
Newman, John Henry. The idea of a University. EEUU: Notre Dame Press, 1986.
_____ La fe y la razón. Madrid: Encuentro, 1993.
_____ Apologia pro vita sua. Madrid: Encuentro, 1996.
Compendio del catecismo de la Iglesia católica. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2005. Consultado el 24 de febrero de 2015. http://www.vatican.va/archive/compendium_ccc/documents/archive_2005_compendium-ccc_sp.html.
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