Principles and regulations for the evaluation of clinical research funded by the pharmaceutical industry in Ethics Research Committees in Panama

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Claude Vergés, Dra.
Noemí Farinoni, Dra.
Matilde Rojas, Mtra.


The results of a multicenter research evaluation of the Research Ethics Committees (CEI) in Panama are presented, which seeks mechanisms that help strengthen their capacity to evaluate, from a bioethics and human rights approach, the protocols of the trials clinics financed by the pharmaceutical industry or foreign research centers, as well as monitoring the implementation of approved protocols. Sufficient documentation was reviewed and interviews were conducted with members of four CIS. From there, it is concluded that in Panama the CIS respect the international standards of operation and protocol review, and that the problems encountered are related to their experience, the social context and the evolution of the interests of pharmaceutical companies.



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How to Cite
Vergés, C., Farinoni, N., & Rojas, M. (2021). Principles and regulations for the evaluation of clinical research funded by the pharmaceutical industry in Ethics Research Committees in Panama. Medicina Y Ética, 32(2), 341–373.
Author Biographies

Claude Vergés, Dra., Children’s Hospital Dr. Jose Renan Esquivel

Study Medicine at the Peoples’ Friendship University. Master’s degree in health sciences, with a specialty in pediatric pneumology at the Children’s Hospital Dr. Jose Renan Esquivel, University of Panama. Master’s degree in bioethics and law at the University of Barcelona. Doctorate in education at the Universidad Interamericana
de Educación a Distancia de Panamá (UNIEDPA). 

Noemí Farinoni, Dra., University of Panama

Sociologist, health specialist, with a doctorate in Andragogy, Professor and researcher, Research Center of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Panama, Panama.

Matilde Rojas, Mtra., University of Panama

Master’s Degree in Clinical Pharmacy, University of Panama Professor of Pharmacy, University of Panama. Panama.


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