The The neuroethics of surrogacy
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Concerns over the commodification of life posed by commercial gestational surrogacy often overshadow the discussion on the forms of surrogacy that are not commercial. Moreover, discoveries of the neurosciences and empirical evidence on the possible psychological damage on the mother-child binomial are seldom considered when discussing the permissibility of surrogacy. In this pilot study I made a review on the available literature about the impact of perinatal neurophysiology on maternal-child bonding and empirical psychological evidence, inquiring whether surrogacy could be proven to damage the binomial, rendering it unethical from a personalist neuroethics approach. Recent studies on the neural and hormonal pathways leading to maternal bonding do suggest an association between it and maternal psychological well-being overall. However, empirical translational evidence on the clinical implications of surrogacy arrangements on both the gestational carriers and the children was limited and inconclusive. Further studies are necessary to make a conclusion regarding this subject.
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