The right to know the biological origins of the child conceived by AHRT: reflections from the situation of current donor anonymity

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Niza Valdivia Gómez


This paper intends to lead to a bioethical reflection on the right of the child to know his/her genetic origins and the complications based on the anonymity of the donor in certain legislations. By virtue of this, it will be imperative to reflect on how anonymity intervenes in this right, does it imply protection? limitation? concealment? and how several controversies can originate nowadays as biotechnology advances. Will it be appropriate to propose a different nomenclature to the gamete donor? because of the social taboos that originate around the issue, several appreciations can be had. Beyond the medical issue itself. This essay is not focused on medical analysis, statistical expositions or psychological studies of donors or technical appraisals of HAART, but rather on exposing reflections on the subject that make a and profound study of it imperative, considering the issues involved and their repercussions.


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How to Cite
Valdivia Gómez, N. . (2024). The right to know the biological origins of the child conceived by AHRT: reflections from the situation of current donor anonymity. Medicina Y Ética, 35(4), 959–989.
Author Biography

Niza Valdivia Gómez, Antofagasta University, Valparaiso, Chile

Lawyer, licentiate in legal sciences, Universidad de Antofagasta, Valparaíso, Chile.
Magister in Artium in Philosophy, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala.


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