Eutanasia y objeción de conciencia

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Alberto Patiño Reyes


To begin with, its publication is due to the treatment given to conscientious objection in Organic Law 3/2021, of March 24, on the regulation of euthanasia in Spain. With this legislation, euthanasia went from being considered a crime to becoming a right to be provided by the Public Administration. Therefore, its objective is to analyze the conscientious objection of healthcare personnel in the practice of this “new right”.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Patiño Reyes, A. . (2025). Eutanasia y objeción de conciencia. Medicina Y Ética, 36(1), 399–411.
Author Biography

Alberto Patiño Reyes, Researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico.

Researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico.


Navarro-Valls, R. Martínez-Torrón, J. Valero, M. J. Eutanasia y objeción de conciencia. Madrid: Palabra; 2022.