Approximation for the theory of Convergent Ethics for bioethics training for research

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Yanira Astrid Rodríguez Holguín


The purpose of this study was to obtain the bioethical capacities of the students after the application of a pedagogical intervention based on the Convergence Ethics theory, for bioethics training for research. A qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out, whose methodology consisted of interviewing the students to know and characterize the bioethical conferencing that came from their research practice, then implemented a pedagogical intervention and finally, by the students, contrasting with those found prior to it. The main conclusions drawn from the study highlight the positive effect of the pedagogical intervention in the achievement of bioethical abilities, and the evidence of a need for cross-sectional, continuous, prolonged, dynamic and integral bioethics training, both in undergraduate and in health professionals who conduct research.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Holguín, Y. A. (2019). Approximation for the theory of Convergent Ethics for bioethics training for research. Medicina Y Ética, 30(3), 701–722. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Yanira Astrid Rodríguez Holguín, National University of Colombia

Nurse, University Foundation of Health Sciences. Specialist in University Teaching, Santo Tomás University. Master in Perinatal Maternal Care, National University of Colombia. Associate Professor National University of Colombia.


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