Communication in the genetic consultation

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Claudio Pensieri, Dr.
Maddalena Pennacchini, Prof.


This article aims to provide an alternative vision to the classic conception of communication and genetic counseling. In fact, the rapid growth of new possibility of knowledge has opened important diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic perspective.
First of all, we tried to understand the context, the term “genetic counseling” and the difference between communication and empathy, then we emphasized the constant influence of the counselor in communicative relationship, finally we considered the persuasion and the “win together” (to convince). We concluded that a non directive genetic counseling is not possible because each type of communication influence the choices of the patient. Therefore, we highlighted the need to better define the meaning of non- directive counseling and specify in which cases the genetic coun- selor must take a position.


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How to Cite
Pensieri, C., & Pennacchini, M. (2021). Communication in the genetic consultation. Medicina Y Ética, 23(3), 299–319. Retrieved from


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