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Analyzing the behavior of costs and expenses has always been a concern for users of financial information systems. In particular, as of 2003, there has been a greater interest in studying the «sticky» phenomenon of costs and expenses, related to the variation in sales. In order to deepen the subject, we set out to investigate whether in México the stickiness of periods with crisis (2008– 2011) is different from that of periods without crisis (2002–2007 and 2012–2017), and whether stickiness of costs is asymmetric to that of expenses. This was done from a selection of 59 issuers of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) and using a proven regression model, the existence of the stickiness phenomenon could be validated, both in terms of costs and expenses, and it was found that there is greater stickiness of costs in years without crisis and the stickiness of expenses is greater in years with crisis; situations that require more attention.
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