The organizational climate for innovation: case study of a Latin American University
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In Latin America, research on organizational climate is still incipient and has been limited to measuring and analyzing statistical results, without previous validation of the construct in a different cultural context. This descriptive and exploratory study was conducted in a Latin American university. The research was developed in two stages: a) measurement, and b) qualitative assessment. Results from both stages of data collection showed that management decisions, though not authoritarian focus on preferential treatment to some faculty members. This is also reflected in the level of support given to some people in the organization and regarding workload distribution. Lack of proper communication between the staff and the administration was also found. These behaviors are typical of a closed climate. As Hoy, Tarter and Kottkamp (1991) indicate, this type of organizational climate is characterized by an administration prone to be arbitrary
in applying regulations, which negatively influences personnel morale. The use of a quantitative-qualitative approach allowed validation of the Hoy, Tarter y Kottkamp organizational climate construct in the Mexican context. Further research is needed to determine the willingness of higher education institutions to be innovative in order to improve their quality as demanded by our current society. In order to introduce change in our organizations it is necessary for the climate to be open, because when the organizational climate is closed results in functional stiffness and lack of creativity.
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