The The status of the human embryo: an interdisciplinary (bioethical) analysis of reality
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Determining the status of the human embryo is not an easy task, especially when there are different realities and proposals about it. While trying to describe what a person is, is already complex because of the social, biological, psychological and spiritual dimensions involved, when we add to this the anthropological, legal, ontological and biological value of the development of the person, it becomes even more complicated. However, when we understand that it is not appropriate to generate conflict between disciplines, but, on the contrary, that our task is to dialogue and understand that we are all working with the same reality, we can then link the human being in all its dimensions, see its integrality and rescue the original value of the human being from conception to death. In this essay we will focus on this analysis to establish a proposal of how to understand the status of the human embryo from the biological, legal, anthropological and ontological spheres
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