
Introduction: María Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte, pp. 12


Ethical dilemmas related to puberty suppression: María Guadalupe Grimaux, Gustavo Paez, pp. 33

Advance directives during gestation. Bioethical aspects and legislation in Mexico: Lorena Andrea Pérez Ferrer, Samuel Weingerz Mehl, Rodrigo Madero Mesa, pp. 87

Dignity of persons in clinical research: Rafael Bustos Saldaña, pp. 142

Transhumanism, techno-humanism and ethics: Luca Benvenga, pp. 177

How to face infertility from a medical perspective, respecting the human person and married love? NaProTechnology‘s help in these processes: José Francisco Vaquero, Helena Marcos, María Victoria Mena, Venancio Carrión, pp. 219


Bioethics: vulnerability and responsibility at the beginning of life, Marcela Garibay López, pp. 246

Euthanasia and assisted suicide: José Enrique Gómez Álvarez, pp. 259


Published: 2022-10-01