Bioeconomy is a term used to designate the commercialization of human body and registered as much in techno-scientific research, as in labor processes. This "clinical work" that comes from the economical notion of human capital trying simultaneously to transform the most intimate bodily functions into «commercial goods and services», as Alessio Musio tells us in his creative reflection of the first article of this number «The in-human capital. Bioethics

in front of "clinical labor".


The jewel of the crown is the interview to Cardinal Elio Sgreccia, the greatest exponent of Personalistic Bioethics in the article «The personalism in the thought of Elio Sgreccia. Interview with Elio Sgreccia» by Marcelino Pérez Bermejo. It explains his thought about human dignity through Ontological Personalism.


The biostatistician figure on Ethics Committees. Is an article written by Bruno Mario Cesana and Elia Mario Biganzoli. They propose the guidelines for the role of the biostatistician and for his activity in the review of protocols of the studies proposed to the Ethics Committees. It is a very new proposal, in which the skills of the biostatistician are described, as well as their role in the ethics committees. And it is wise to consider that statistics is a helpful tool in the ethical judgement of a research, as well as in the evidence based on medical knowledge, in clinical dilemmas.


We have considered important to publish the editorial of a past number of Medicina e Morale, written by Antonio Spagnolo, because UNESCO has promoted World Bioethics Day, to promote the human dignity and rights in the world.


Martha Tarasco MD PhD


Published: 2018-10-31