Tārah 5 : intervention model for violence prevention against adult, teenage, and infant women, from a security and law enforcement perspective

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Carolina Rea Gómez
Alfonso J. Motta Allen


Tarah 5 is a developing empirical model to counter in an urgent manner violence against adult, teenage and infant women, to interrupt the violence continuum to prevent more femicides. It has been devised derived from the knowledge and experience on the current security systems and law enforcement in Mexico. It focuses on the need to identify actions and existing structures in a location, for them to work as a whole. The nature of the violence against women of all ages requires that each case is attended individually and in an articulate matter. The dimension of this problem demands to explore all forms and possible approaches to it in order to positively affect the reality of millions of women that are currently victims of any type of violence, only because of the fact that they are women. The statistics on murdered women demand urgent answers. The one provides here is a proposal that the authors contrived from the combination of their areas of expertise.


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How to Cite
Rea Gómez, C., & Motta Allen, A. J. . (2021). Tārah 5 : intervention model for violence prevention against adult, teenage, and infant women, from a security and law enforcement perspective. Iuris Tantum, 35(34), 131–151. https://doi.org/10.36105/iut.2021n34.07



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