Mexican economic-cultural subsumption, the case of migration

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Carlos Humberto Durand Alcántara


The migratory issue in the context of neoliberalism has acquired significant importance by virtue of the magnitude and intensification of this phenomenon, and the diversity of circumstances that in the
current situation are determining the expulsion and removal of the population. Although the etiologies of an economic order do not cease to be of great importance in movements of a demographic
order, there are another variety of conditions that are recurrent to said processes, which range from the natural order, where climate change, among other problems of anthropogenic order, are determined
the advent of catastrophes worldwide. Or in his case, those circumstances that are encrypted by geological triggers, as recently happened with the La Palma volcano in the Canary Islands. But in the same way, problems of a religious or political nature, which have even led to wars, as we place it, the cases of Syria and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, among others.


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Durand Alcántara, C. H. (2022). Mexican economic-cultural subsumption, the case of migration. Iuris Tantum, 36(35), 43–60.


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