Controversial justice: the United States neutrality laws and the demands of the Mexican Federal Government during the trials of José María Carvajal (1851-1854)
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This article studies the difficulties faced by the governments of Mexico and the United States to prosecute José María Carvajal after the so-called rebellion of La Loba which occurred between 1851-1852. Particularly, the article examines some of the limits that the so-called Neutrality Laws had as a legal device to face an incursion that was conceived as potentially separatist. The article argues that these laws were effective in exercising legal control over some problems in the United States — Mexico border area, but soon showed their limits. Since the border area had different geographic, demographic, and social characteristics than those that gave rise to that body of law, the US authorities grappled with the application of this legislation. In addition, the fact that these laws constituted domestic legislation generated frustration amongst diplomatic representatives and officials of the Mexican government.
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Bandera Mexicana
Daily National Era
American Flag
Santa Fe Weekly Gazette
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