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Alejandro Rodríguez Rodríguez


Education today, in the framework of sciences interested in the study of symbolic power disseminated in the social body from artifacts linked to power and binding to the individuality of each citizen, requires a rethinking of the conceptual map and the social implications of a rereading of the learning event. Situation that is almost impossible to achieve: educating the citizen in and from power and knowledge in an Agambenian perspective of naked life, the possibility as a horizon and benevolence as theoretical factors for rereading the educational fact in contexts beyond the postmodernity where thought-community-exodus enable an education today in the mystery of time and the precariousness of life. The present is a theoretical
reflection on education, artifacts of power, and four plausible conditions for today’s citizen.


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Rodríguez Rodríguez, A. (2020). THE (IM) POSSIBILITY OF EDUCATING TODAY THE PARADIGMATIC CONDITION OF. Iuris Tantum, 34(31), 125–141.


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