Human smugling to labour explotation and forced work

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Luis Fernando Ávila Salcedo


This article addresses the problem of human trafficking in two of its forms, labor exploitation and forced labor or services as well as the effects that these might have in the field of labor law and social security, formulated from the configuration of a working relationship, analyzing its legal nature, its characteristics, the quality of the provider as a person and considering their dignity, as well as special circumstances that make them more vulnerable as migrant. The constitutional framework in reference, human rights and the criteria of the International Labor Organization are fundamental for its understanding. The creation of a special
jurisdiction for simultaneous knowledge and resolution of criminal and labor cases is hypothetically considered.


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How to Cite
Ávila Salcedo, L. F. (2018). Human smugling to labour explotation and forced work. Iuris Tantum, 32(28), 267–286.


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