The audiovisual campaign of the “National Day of Healthy Distance” and its affect heuristic as part of the risk communication among national tourists of Mexico during the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, March-December 2020

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Sergio Sosa Roldán, Mtro.
Raul Santos Morales, Dr.


Despite the massive dissemination in different media of information about the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 and about the security measures implemented by the Ministry of Health and the different levels of government in Mexico such as the “National Campaign of Healthy Distance”, millions of national tourists were traveling to different destinations in the country during 2020, which implied a little significant change in the volume of national tourism.
As part of an explanation of this phenomenon, the affect heuristic theory was used to investigate the messages of the campaign focused on preventing people from leaving home and through a content analysis it was found that, in general, these audiovisual materials focused mainly on the perceived benefits, leaving aside the perceived risks, neglecting risk communication. The analysis of other social, cultural and economic factors can give us greater depth to know not only the affect heuristic of health promotion and prevention campaigns disseminated and implemented in other countries as part of risk communication, but also to learn about the attitudes, opinions and behaviors that tourists from other places had during the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2.


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How to Cite
Sosa Roldán, S., & Santos Morales, R. (2021). The audiovisual campaign of the “National Day of Healthy Distance” and its affect heuristic as part of the risk communication among national tourists of Mexico during the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, March-December 2020. Sintaxis, (7), 111–134.
Author Biographies

Sergio Sosa Roldán, Mtro., Investigador independiente

 Consultor en Neuromarketing, S. A. y Director General en Conectando Marcas. Columnista de la revista neo y asesor de la sección de neuromarketing en el portal America Retail. Profesor de la Facultad de Comunicación y Mercadotecnia en la unitec. Actualmente alumno del Doctorado en Investigación de la Comunicación de la Universidad Anáhuac México.

Raul Santos Morales, Dr., Universidad Anáhuac México

Licenciado en Publicidad, Maestro en Diseño Gráfico y Doctor en Comunicación Aplicada, de 1997 a 2006 trabajó en diversas agencias de publicidad para más de 2000 marcas nacionales y transnacionales. Actualmente es profesor-investigador del Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada (CICA) de la Facultad de Comunicación dentro de la Universidad Anáhuac México. 


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