Ethical distribution of resources, palliative care, and other bioethical aspects in times of pandemic in Mexico

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Julio Tudela Cuenca
María Elizabeth De los Ríos Uriarte
Jhosue Alfredo Hernández González


Medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic presented major ethical and bioethical challenges. Among the most complex were the distribution of healthcare resources and the consequent selection of patients to meet their chances of survival, and the incorporation of palliative care, informed consent and advance directives into the protocols for action and admission of patients. From utilitarian criteria, which fought only for social value and utility, to personalistic criteria based on the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, patient care became urgent regardless of their condition. This article addresses the dilemma about the criteria of distribution that deepened over this time, and proposes that health protection, being a universal human right, cannot go unnoticed in patients with unfavorable prognoses, proposing the incorporation of palliative care in medical care.


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How to Cite
Tudela Cuenca, J. ., De los Ríos Uriarte, M. E. ., & Hernández González, J. A. (2022). Ethical distribution of resources, palliative care, and other bioethical aspects in times of pandemic in Mexico. Medicina Y Ética, 33(2), 473–504.


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