The embryonic discontinuity and the unity of the person in the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Some impacts on current bioethics

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Maroun Badr


The human embryo in legislation has no defined status. As for its status in ethical debates, no consensus has been reached between the various parties of the different bioethical currents. What is certain is that in most legislations, in order to circumvent ethical debates, base their arguments above all on scientific data. As a result, ethics is limited to the scientific aspect. However, it is urgent to remember that bioethics does not stop solely at the scientific or sociological aspect. Particularly, the Personalist Bioethics approach invite us to consider the human being, including the embryo, in its meta-ontological aspect. The personalist vision is based on the notion of the “person” described by Saint Thomas Aquinas. Could the latter provide answers to the ethical dilemmas of our days? This article aims to answer this question by analyzing the issue of embryonic discontinuity and the unity of the person from a meta-ontological reflection.


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How to Cite
Badr, M. (2023). The embryonic discontinuity and the unity of the person in the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Some impacts on current bioethics. Medicina Y Ética, 34(2), 350–382.
Author Biography

Maroun Badr, Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Facoltà di Bioetica,

Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Facoltà di Bioetica, Rome, Italy.


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