Political authority and biopower. Personalist approach to common themes between the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (No. 377-427) and the French Constitution

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Maroun Badr


The legal dimension of bioethics, known as biolaw, occupies an important place in discussions on this topic. For them to be recognized, various French bioethics legislations require a competent political authority: the civil authority whose apex is the French Constitution (FC), as the legal act and the fundamental law that establish the organization and functioning of the state. However, in the field where we touch on the human person, on the values and the fundamental principles, religious authority, such as the Social Doctrine of the Church (SDC), has a role to play. This is the reference of values through which human conscience can exercise itself freely in political, social, and economic realities. Hence, what are the possible common themes between the FC and the SDC and what can personalist bioethics contribute to reconciling the two sides?


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Badr, M. (2024). Political authority and biopower. Personalist approach to common themes between the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (No. 377-427) and the French Constitution. Medicina Y Ética, 35(2), 429–483. https://doi.org/10.36105/mye.2024v35n2.04


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