Distance communication: advertising in México in the health emergency, coincidences and divergences

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Ricardo Ignacio Prado Hurtado
María Dolores Lozano Gutiérrez


Among its functions, strategic planning is to foresee possible contingencies that may arise inside and outside the organizations, in order to be prepared and have the best tactics and tools in a crisis situation (Sallenave, 2002). There are even those who think that most of the adverse situations that organizations face are caused by them (Costa, 2018). There are crises for which there is no protocol, such as the health crisis due to COVID-19. The methodology of this work consists of a review of advertising audiovisual material in Mexico of the phenomenology around brand communication in the face of the pandemic and a comparison through categories of analysis. The objective of this research work is to establish coincidences and divergences between brand communication campaigns in Mexico and contrast them against a state of the art built for this purpose.


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How to Cite
Prado Hurtado, R. I., & Lozano Gutiérrez, M. D. (2022). Distance communication: advertising in México in the health emergency, coincidences and divergences. Sintaxis, (8), 68–82. https://doi.org/10.36105/stx.2022n8.05
Author Biographies

Ricardo Ignacio Prado Hurtado, MostroTown Publicidad

Director General de Servicios Creativos en Mostrotown Publicidad, agencia especializada en contramarketing, creatividad y mercadotecnia sociales. Con más de 20 años trabajando en el medio publicitario, ha formado parte de agencias de publicidad nacionales e internacionales trabajando para cuentas en una extensa variedad de categorías de producto y servicio, ha colaborado como docente y conferencista en universidades nacionales

María Dolores Lozano Gutiérrez, ISU Universidad

Docente. Maestra en Administración de las Tecnologías de la Información y Licenciada en Mercadotecnia con más de diez años de experiencia en las áreas de investigación de mercados, desarrollo de producto y relaciones públicas, así como en el campo docente.


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