The Constitutive Communication of Organizations as a way to understand the interaction between collaborators of the third sector that serve migrants

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Claudia Pérez Flores


Given the wave of Central American and Caribbean migrants who have arrived in Mexico, the shelters in Mexico City (CDMX) have been overwhelmed. This situation has caused these places to rely on their collaborators and volunteers. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze the interaction of collaborators and volunteers to serve vulnerable groups such as migrants. In this regard, a quantitative study with a descriptive scope was carried out using a questionnaire as an instrument that was applied in two shelters. The theory that was used was the Constitutive Communication of Organizations (CCO) that focuses on communication as the means by which human beings coordinate actions and create relationships. The underlying hypothesis is that CCO is essential for creating bonds between people. The results suggest that inclusion is key in the cco and is a way to analyze complex phenomena in organizations such as migration.


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How to Cite
Pérez Flores, C. . (2023). The Constitutive Communication of Organizations as a way to understand the interaction between collaborators of the third sector that serve migrants. Sintaxis, (10), 119–130.
Author Biography

Claudia Pérez Flores, Universidad Panamericana

Profesora de la Universidad Panamericana. Maestra en Comunicación por la Universidad Iberoamericana, México.


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