
Letter from the Director of the Research Center for Applied Communication, pg. 7

Editors' letter, p. 9

Quality of organizational communication, capital and social impact in reports
annual reports of supermarkets in Mexico, p. fifteen

Techno-educational convergences in the training of the communication professional:
a look from the ontology of language and emotional intelligence, p. 35

Status of organizational communication within a research consortium
scientific and technological, p. 57

Media unrest or political mobilization: an analysis of receptions in Mexico
on the effects of negatively charged political messages on television, p. 81

Parallel lives: an approximation of the life stories of two academics
university students in Mexico from a transdisciplinary perspective
from the theory of capitals, p. 101

Constitutive Communication of Organizations as a way to understand
the interaction between collaborators from the third sector that serve migrants, p. 119

Comprehensive comparative diagnosis of primary health care institutions
public office of Mexico City, p. 131

The communication of science as part of the integrating cycle of knowledge:
exploring research in Latin America, p. 155

Political Leadership in Latin America: Comparative Analysis Studies, p. 169


Published: 2023-03-06

Carta de los Editores

Rogelio Del Prado Flores, Rebeca-Illiana Arévalo-Martínez
