Quality of organizational communication, capital and social impact in the annual reports of supermarkets in Mexico
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The information that is made public by private organizations listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange is intended to account mainly for their financial results, but also includes relevant information about their operation, organizational philosophy and activities that allow evaluating their role within of society, their contributions and impact. However, given the amount of information that currently exists on the web, and the difficulty in recognizing the importance of the information to which one has access, this article proposes a series of categories to assess the quality of the information. communication (logistics, attention, utility and influence) and that is presented in the 2021 annual report of the four supermarkets in Mexico listed on the bmv in order to relate them to the formation of social capital (Bourdieu, 1990; Lin, 2001), social cohesion (Durkheim, 2007) and social impact (Esteves et al., 2012). The methodology used was qualitative through content analysis. Among the main findings is that the annual reports meet the communication quality levels, although the attention they give to their criteria is different in each case. In this sense, the quality of communication has a social impact on its audiences through the content that includes aspects that enhance the cohesion and social capital generated by this type of organization.
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