Communication and challenges of ngo in Brazil, Colombia, United States and Mexico: the case of misleading advertising in ultra-processed foods
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This article analyzes the actions that the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that protect Consumer Rights in Brazil, Colombia, the United States and Mexico perform against misleading advertising in ultra-processed foods. This type of food promotes unhealthy eating habits for children; causes excess weight to be a determining risk factor for chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs); and affects the health and quality of life of the population. Ultraprocessed foods, are considered to be the main factor in the epidemic called globesity, which is why NGO that protect Consumer Rights have made efforts to counteract the misleading communication and advertising strategies followed by the ultraprocessed food industry. The methodology of the study is of qualitative nature through in-depth interviews with the directors of six ngo from the aforementioned countries. The study includes the main actions that ngo carry out to demonstrate, inform, persuade and exert pressure on the food processing industry underlining the importance of communication and education in the work of defending consumer rights and the need for incorporate digital media in its activity of information, feedback, manifestation and linking of parents, academic communities, public opinion, legislative groups, government authorities and society in general.
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