Corporate Social Responsibility and its Measurement Alternatives

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Jorge A. Pérez Pineda


The conceptual debate on Corporate Social Responsibility has been a novel subject in Mexico for the last decade as shown by authors like Natal (2002) or Serna (2006). The next step and resulting natural concern claim for the need of measuring and quantifying CSR as other exploratory works in the matter have drawn up, such as the one by Pérez & Veloz (2008). This article reviews the main forms of measuring CSR (RSE in Spanish) found in the existing literature in order to enrich this analysis in our country. This work aims to respond to questions like: What to measure about CSR? How to measure CSR and what for? Questions constituting spread concerns in a number of fields as stated by Blowfield (2007). Although this debate is not recent, the knowledge of some of the alternatives discussed here indeed is. For the sake of a clearer explanation, alternatives are divided in three big groups: Management Models, Profit Models and Performance Models, which entail useful categories to synthesize the variety of existing choices and to make them available to the general or specialized public.


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How to Cite
Pérez Pineda, J. A. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility and its Measurement Alternatives. The Anáhuac Journal, 12(1), Págs. 29 – 50. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Jorge A. Pérez Pineda

Jorge Antonio Pérez Pineda es Profesor-Investigador en el Instituto Mora y en la Universidad Anáhuac México Norte, en la Facultad de Economía y Negocios. Es Doctor en Economía Internacional y Desarrollo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España, con estudios de postgrado en la Universidad de Essex, Inglaterra y Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Actualmente es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) nivel candidato. Ha laborado para BANCOMEXT en México y en la Consejería Comercial de México en España, así como en la entidad Un Kilo de Ayuda como Coordinador de Proyectos y Gerente de Gestión. Su trabajo se centra en los temas de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, Desarrollo Económico y Regional y Financiamiento Para el Desarrollo. /


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