«SCORE-CoV-2» and its relation to GDP performance
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In the global context, which has been affected by the virus SARS-CoV-2, each country had a specific way of managing its population, so an evaluation system is proposed (named «SCORE-CoV-2»), which aims to synthesize the actions and results of the countries to face the pandemic, taking into account eight variables. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a blow to the world economy; World Bank figures expect a global contraction of 5.2 % of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020, pushing millions into extreme poverty. The hypothesis proposes that the SCORE-CoV-2 value will have a significant relationship with the behavior of the countries’ GDP, being a predictor of certainty about the evolution of the countries’ economies. After performing the respective statistical analysis, the Pearson correlation (R2 <0.001) showed a lack of relationship between the scoring system and the GDP value per country, but it was possible to analyze the points in which each country has a low score, and thus propose new specific management of each nation’s deficit in COVID-19 issues.
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