
The value of organizational communication: a view from professionals, academics and consultants, p. 12

The character's confession and its dialogical significance in Luis Buñuel's Essay on a Crime (1955), p. 32,

Competencies of the communicologist to face organizational problems, p. 48

Bibliometric study of the first five communication journals indexed in Web of Science 2021, p. 58

Long-distance communication: publicity in Mexico in the health emergency, coincidences and divergences, p. 68

The identity (habitus) and the intersubjectivity of the merchants of the mobile markets of Mexico City as aids in the participation of their assemblies and the construction of social capital, p. 83

Communication in the government: the governmental and the public in the transformation of the relationship with the citizen, p. 100

The future of cyberspace as a means of communication and interaction, a documentary review through the communicational uses of the socio-digital platform Facebook as a social medium, p. 113

Analysis of experiences and meanings regarding the consumption of ecological products based on Strategic Communication, p. 133

Algorithmic mediation in the construction of public opinion in socio-digital networks in the framework of political communication, p. 155


Published: 2022-01-07

Editors Letter

PhD Rebeca Illiana Arévalo Martínez, PhD Rogelio Del Prado Flores
